
Watch Free Gay Porn?

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Do you like to watch free gay porn? While Top Rated Gay Porn stands totally against free porn of any kind, we felt compelled to discuss a viewpoint recently received via e-mail. Based on this readers experience, it appears that many men’s first (and probably his) experience begins surfing the web to watch gay porn free videos. The Top Rated Gay Porn team remains committed to interacting with our fans on twitter @topratedgayporn as well as our website. What follows is correspondence from one of our readers discussing their observations in their words as received via our contact page.

“Yes, it is common for a straight man to watch free gay porn. Also, gay and bisexual men watch straight porn often. We are all human beings and part of our nature is to be curious, there is nothing wrong with that and this is perfectly normal. Many studies have been (or will be) made in order to answer a question why straight men watch gay porn, but the answer is still not determined.

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Some people are heterosexuals, some people are bisexual. In the last decade, we believed that heterosexual men wanted to see naked women in porn why homosexual and bisexual men prefer to watch naked men. But, things are not that specific at the end. Several case studies collected information that lot of homosexual men watch porn with hot girls and sexy women. Also, straight men watch hardcore gay porn and this is a fact. There are various reasons for this, some men are just curious while some of them are maybe little more than curious. Some of them maybe want to try something else in sex, but they don’t have courage. This is why they watch a different kind of porn, to fulfill their fantasies and to see what it is like to have sex with a guy or an older man.

Sexual attraction is normal and something that happens every day. Straight men can be attracted to another straight man. If you are one hundred percent certain in your sexuality, you can always admit to a friend that he looks great that day. But, if you feel something more and your feelings are more sexual than just friendly, maybe you are bisexual. More than fifty percent of gay men watch porn with straight men at least once in the last couple of months of their life. Bisexual men prefer gay porn and most straight men are watching straight porn. But, around twenty percent of straight men are watching gay porn too, and this is typical sexual behavior.

Why Do Straight Men Watch Free Gay Porn?

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But, why straight men watch gay porn and why gay men watch straight porn? There are numerous reasons for this. When we talk about humans and male relationships, intimacy between two men is still somewhat taboo. Today, things are changing if not different, and it is more common for a straight guy watch gay porn. This is maybe the first reason why straight guys and straight men watch gay porn – because it is forbidden fruit, it is something that is not socially acceptable in all parts of the world. Because of this, they are turned on by the fact that they are doing something wrong.

On the other hand, curiosity is the most common reason why straight guy watches gay porn. Sometimes, men just want to see what it is like when two other men have sex. They just want to compare sex between two men and sex between man and woman. Is gay sex the same or not. Quickly, the conclusion is drawn that sex is not the same. This leads to the third reason, a small percentage of straight men want to try something different, and having sex with another man is definitely something different.

How Many Men Watch Free Gay Porn?

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According to the latest survey, one man of four watches gay porn. When we talk about gay porn, it is definitely a hardcore man on man type of porn. Have you ever watched gay porn? Did someone catch you? What did you say? Well, according to this survey, you don’t have to find excuses. It is normal that you are curious and you want to see how men have sex with each other. On the other hand, much like women enjoy watching lesbian porn.

According to latest studies, almost forty percent of women watch lesbian porn at least once a month. When we talk about men, about twenty-five percent of straight men watch gay porn and they admit that fact. We are not sure how many men that were part of this study were honest, so maybe there is a high percentage of straight guys who are watching gay porn. Also, the study doesn’t say where these men are from. In some countries, it is total taboo that men confess about their porn habits.

Do You Watch Free Gay Porn?

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Free gay porn is everywhere online. There are many major tube sites and they offer watch gay porn totally free. Why avoid this opportunity? Many men have many fetishes and watching free gay porn is one of them. Some people even like to watch trans porn, other like to watch some kinky porn. Watching gay porn is nothing to be ashamed of. If you are one hundred percent sure that you are heterosexual, there is nothing wrong if you watch gay porn. Also, if you have second thoughts about your own sexuality, watching gay sex can help you to find some answers about yourself and to identify who you really are.

Many straight men are watching gay porn regularly. Some of them are even watching porn with their wives or girlfriends, or even best friends. Sexual attraction is not determined and not exact, and some people find sexually attractive to watch two men have sex. And if you are not sure are you attracted to men or not, ask yourself can you imagine yourself with a man in a romantic relationship. Can you imagine to hug and kiss with a man? If your answer is no, you are probably heterosexual. If your answer is yes, maybe you are a homosexual or bisexual person.

Watch Free Gay Porn Conclusion

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Sexuality is not that simple. This is why there is no simple answer why people watch free gay porn and its increasing popularity among straight men. Is it simply because it’s free and allows a no financial risk fantasy check? Are some of these men homosexual or not? Are these men truly attracted to other men? Nobody can give an answer to this question with one hundred percent certainty. Because of this, these studies are just tip of an iceberg when we talk about why straight men are watching gay porn. Sexual attraction is just a scale that people can find themselves. Gay porn is therefore associated with many different emotions and fantasies…”

So, what do our readers think of this stance? Please drop us a line and let us know. Once again, the staff at Top Rated Gay Porn is 100%t totally against free gay porn of any kind! We do understand that watching “freebies” might be the first introduction to potentially coming out and realizing the “real you.” Our position is that as lovers of real gay porn, we need to support our favorite actors in their careers. I wonder how many people that watch free gay porn would actually go up to Dolf Dietrich or Boomer Banks and tell them how much you love their work but will only watch it for free? Lets us know how that works out for you? Please consider that the overall health of the gay porn industry counts on finding new talent, paying established talent and filming new release for true fans, not cheap fans!

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